Heatmap: Find activity hotspots
Zoho PageSense helps you see how visitors interact with your website. Learn what grabs their attention and what distracts them, and get a look at complete visitor engagement details.
Scrollmap: How far down the page visitors scroll
Your visitors might be missing key content or a primary CTA because they aren't reaching that part of the page. Use our scrollmap to see how far down the page your visitors scroll, and which folds drive the most conversions.
Attention map: Where do visitors spend the most time?
With our attention map, uncover areas of your website where your visitors spend the most and the least time.
Flexible report segmentation
Filter reports to view the behavior of a specific set of visitors using our predefined segments, or create your own custom filter.
Cross-platform tracking
Cover your bases. You can view your website's heatmap across mobile, tablet, and desktop environments from a single window.