Top brands create on our platform

Host your applications on your premise to match your business needs

Stay compliant with data privacy regulations

As a business, the obligation to safeguard your data is your number one priority. Based on your industry, location, and laws, ensure your data is locked up tight, with on-premise deployment.

Gain flexibility with multi-deployment options

Zoho Creator offers you the flexibility to build all types of applications and deploy them anywhere you want—locally, on your own servers, on a private cloud, or on a public cloud.

Protect critical data with secure solutions

With the On-Premise set up, you have control over all aspects of your data—where it's stored, the levels of data encryption, and who has access to it. If you choose on-premise, you need to install a range of sufficient measure (firewalls, VPNs, etc) to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your business data.

Take ownership of your software

On-premise setups give your business the opportunity to have a complete total control of your applications. All your servers and data are local to you, secured by your network protocols, and you decide when to upgrade or when to schedule maintenance and perform any other administrative tasks.

What you can do with Zoho Creator

  • Accelerate digital transformation with rapid application development

    Our low-code platform abstracts away development complexities, providing you with visual builders that enable users to jump right into building applications. Zoho Creator reduces your delivery times from months to weeks—or even hours. Form builder

  • Increase productivity with workflow automation

    Identify and automate "we've-always-done-it-this-way" tasks, and increase your overall operational efficiency. Make use of built-in features, such as if-then conditions, loops, ready-to-use field actions, and form actions, and automate processes across departments. Workflow builder

  • Empower your people to work from anywhere

    Access and update your data, wherever you are, with a dedicated native mobile app published in the App Store and Play Store. Your workforce can access data, view important reports, scan QR codes, upload images or video files, and much more. work from anywhere

  • Discover hidden insights with visual dashboards

    Choose from a wide variety of report templates, and drill down into your data with features like custom filters, grouping, and conditional formatting. Combine them to create dashboards that aren't just flashy but insightful, using various elements such as widgets, gauges, buttons, and custom KPI panels. Page builder

  • Deliver personalized customer portals

    Enable your customers, business partners, and external vendors to access information relevant to them using personalized logins. Enhance their experience by providing a faster way to find information, request services, and resolve their issues. Deliver personalized customer portals

Form builder
Workflow builder
Report builder
Page builder
Page builder

3 simple steps to launch Zoho Creator On-Premise

Run Zoho Creator applications on-premises with a one-click download and a simple installation process. Our team is always there to help you.

Download the Zoho Creator On-Premise file to your machine.

Install the file onto your server with the necessary configurations, using our GUI-based installation wizard.

Start creating your application on the platform and inviting app users right away!

Start your free 30-day trial today!

To find out the next steps, please share your details below and we'll reach out to you soon to talk through your project in more detail.

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